Chiropractor Indianapolis IN An Overview of Three Popular Weight Loss Programs

An Overview of Three Popular Weight Loss Programs

If you haven’t heard of Weight Watchers, NutriSystem or the Atkins Diet you must be living in a cave somewhere deep in Afghanistan. These three staples of the weight loss industry have clinics, products and websites, all with the purpose of helping people lose weight. The real question is, however, do any of them actually work? Studies and consumer reviews are mixed as to the efficacy of these programs. In fact, studies seem to indicate that no program is better than any other, and that programs in themselves may produce their own set of difficulties for people. Here is a candid overview of these three popular programs.

Weight Watchers Weight Watchers has been around for a very long time. The company first incorporated in 1963. Based on a group support method of encouragement, Weight Watchers tries to encourage its “members” to make lifestyle changes that will help them lose weight. Exercise and healthy portion size are key aspects of this program.

Weight Watchers is also constantly re-inventing its program, moving from calories, to measuring to a point system to track what people eat. Upon seeing the new point system one friend quipped “oh, starve by numbers!” By attempting to change the way people view food, Weight Watchers hopes to create life long changes that will lead to losing weight and keeping it off. Counselors encourage meeting attendance and public confession, which can be very uncomfortable for private people.

Perhaps the best thing about Weight Watchers is that you eat normal food. You don’t have to buy prepackaged meals, eat strange things or avoid any food in particular. The whole idea is to teach the individual to eat responsibly. For those that stick with the program strictly, it can work very well.

NutriSystem Like many of the other pre-packaged systems of weight loss, NutriSystem devises an eating plan based upon information the client provides. As we all know, we are not necessarily as honest as we should be when it comes to eating issues. You get to pick from a selection of eating plans, and then either customize your menus or have NutriSystem send out a premixed selection.

For ease and convenience there is nothing like having a pantry and freezer full of boxes. You heat them up and eat; done. There doesn’t appear to be much flexibility in how your calories get planned though. Even overweight people weigh different amounts, are different heights and eat differently. This is a one size fits most kind of plan. There are also complaints that the food is reminiscent of the old high school cafeteria selections, and that customer service is poor or non-existent. These kind of programs don’t require people to make conscious decisions about their eating habits, and that is a big deficit.

If you want the ease of not having to think about eating, but still knowing that food is available and preplanned, NutriSystem, and other programs like it may work for you.

Activity and Weight Control

The only way to eliminate stored fat is burned. Now you know that exercise increases energy expenditure and energy expenditure is related to both the intensity and duration of activity. If exercise is intense, the duration of participation is necessarily shorter. While we are able to spend up to 125 calories in one mile every run we brisk walking or jogging at a comfortable pace for two miles and three times the calories without becoming exhausted. This concept explains why we moderate activity recommended, instead of intensive effort to control weight. The relationship of exercise calories helps explain why the benefits grow with a better physical condition. More Fitness offers more activity and more control over your weight.

The effects of exercise does not stop when people stop exercising. The oxygen consumption Excess post-exercise, the amount of rest after training level exceeds said spending a evevation prolonged post-exercise caloric. increased caloric expenditure for 30 minutes or more remaining after strenuous exercise. prolonged effort, as a race distance, the oxygen consumption and body temperature and increase the use of hormones mobilize energy and increase metabolism. On cessation of exercise, calorie consumption remains elevated above resting levels during the recovery period. The EPOC is often overlooked when the caloric benefits of exercise are tabulated.

Activity Versus Dieting

Some people believe that diet is better than exercise for weight control. They note, rightly, that it is easier to reduce calories Itaka refusing a piece of cake, that is to burn the cake after dinner, that would be more than 2 miles to 110 calories per mile jog. But considering the question “Is this system a better method of weight control?” The answer is available for more than 35 years, and the answer is no,

Oscai Holloszy and compared the effects of diet and exercise on body composition of laboratory rats. They controlled the experiment, so that both groups of equal weight. After 18 weeks of caloric restriction or the other or swim, they performed the analysis of the carcass.

The analysis indicated that the exercise was a more effective way to lose fat. Moreover, the study compelling evidence of protein-preserving effects of exercise, losing 5 percent protein for athletes, compared with 11 percent of dieters. The amount of water lost through caloric restriction was 16 percent for the athletes, compared with 26 percent of dieters. The loss of water, a phenomenon that occurs in dieters, accounts for the rapid success of most fad diets fail and veentual the overall objective, the loss of fat. A control group of sedentary freely eating animals gained weight during the study. Their weight gain was from 87 percent fat and 10 percent water. Can we generalize the results of this study in animals to humans?

A study of 16 obese patients compared with a period of six months of the scheme with a comparable period of diet and exercise. The exercise group achieved greater fat loss, exercise and other positive effects, including heart rate, lower resting and improve recovery of heart rate after exercise. And then 25 women have a deficit of 500 calories a day when a diet, exercise or a combination of both, all women have the same amount of weight lost, but the group plans have lost less fat and more lean tissue. The authors, who conducted the study recommended that those interested in losing weight on diet and exercise to combine into a greater loss of fat and lean tissue protection. A more recent study of 24 overweight women confirms the superiority of diet and exercise to reduce body fat and preserve lean tissue, compared with diet alone.

How The Metabolism Diet Can Make you Lose Weight

The metabolic diet is designed to get rid of calories without significantly draining the body of valuable nutrients. In contrast to the familiar pattern of diet regimens where self-imposed starvation is a distinct feature, a metabolism or metabolic diet attempts to provide a safe and efficient option to weight lose.

Indeed, whatever is in excess or lacking is detrimental to your health. In order to prevent putting your body’s metabolic and physiologic functions at risk, the metabolic diet ensures that your body still receives sufficient nutrients from your food.

People who have tried the metabolic diet and successfully lost weight will attest that it is much easier to stick to the program because you don’t have to starve yourself and feel deprived.”Eating only when you feel hungry” is the best concept that describes the metabolism diet. The body switches into slow gear as it experiences low energy levels associated with skipping meals. Thus, when you skip breakfast, you are just defeating your purpose of losing weight.

Another principle by which the metabolism diet is anchored on is riding the advantage of a healthy diet and regular proper exercise to turn on your body’s furnace and burn fat. As your body takes in only the calories that it needs, engaging in a regular exercise regimen will cause your body to switch burning fat to fuel your activities.

The secret ingredient in increasing your body’s metabolic rate is the metabolic type diet. As your metabolic rate increases, your body can easily get rid of body fat. A slow metabolic rate is associated with the availability of low body energy however you will never feel hungry or experience low energy when you consume just enough food to satisfy your hunger.

You won’t experience cravings or hunger when you have a healthy diet.To avoid erratic rise and fall of your body’s energy levels, breaking down your big meals into several small meals a day will certainly do the trick.Dividing your three big meals into several small meals every day will provide your body with a steady source of energy to keep your metabolism working over time.

The metabolic diet is also called the belly fat diet. It’s been touted as one of the best ways for your weight loss endeavor. It stimulates your body to burn fat at a constant rate. A healthy diet filled with fresh fruits and vegetables provide the essential nutrients and antioxidants which are needed when you undergo the metabolic diet. Viable sources of protein such as lean meat and fish can also boost your body’s metabolism.

Regular exercise is an indispensable partner of the metabolic diet. An exercise regimen involving the major muscles of the body can certainly boost your body’s fat-burning capabilities.

The metabolic diet is ultimately the best answer when anybody wants to know how to lose weight quickly. When there’s too much temptation with mouth-watering food that tortures the senses your iron will and self-discipline will eventually help you overcome these negative pulls.Your determination to stick to your metabolic diet will surely reward you with a fabulous and healthy body.

Why Should I Set Goals for Weight Loss

You might ask “What has setting goals got to do with weight loss?” Most successful people invariably set goals to get their best results. Like mapping out a path to achieve an end result. We all need goals in our lives. This article is going to focus on why setting goals is so important to give you something to aim for in life and why there is no difference in your desire to achieving weight loss. You should also find answers to such questions – Do you know what you want? Are you heading in the right direction?

1) Weight Loss Goals

By setting weight loss goals you are more likely to achieve the best results. Be careful to set realistic goals otherwise you could be setting yourself up for bitter disappoint and achieving nothing as a result. Remember how long it took you to gain the weight! To make your goal achievable you need to look at losing weight over a longer period rather than believing that you can lose 16 or 18 pounds in a couple of weeks. While this might be possible for some it certainly is a lot harder to achieve than to lose the weight over several months.

2) Using Multiple Weight Loss Goals

Set yourself a long term goal for weight loss and include some short term goals to lose smaller amounts of weight within certain periods over that time, like mini goals. As you achieve your short term goals along the way that will drive you more towards your long term goal. Seeing the small amounts of weight loss and burning fat along with the improvements that accompany the weight and fat loss you will not only visualize yourself being at an optimum weight but you will also begin to believe you can achieve your long term goal.

3) Why I need Multiple Goals

When we talk about these short term goals you need to understand that you shouldn’t be weighing yourself every day as your body weight will fluctuate from one day to the next. We want to burn fat not muscle for which will take a little more than a day to see results. So your short term goals should cover no less than 2 weeks in duration. This will give you ample opportunity to make adjustments or changes to your goals to help your body adjust to the changes it is experiencing also.

4) Put Your Goals on Paper

It is very important to write your goals on paper and keep them close by. Putting your goals on paper cements the idea but leave room to adjust your goals particularly the short term goals. Keeping a diary helps to enforce your actions that are needed to meet those goals when losing weight. Make your diary entries on a daily basis and include entries of what you eat and any supplements you take as well as the results you have been achieving from these actions. Enter your starting weight and record your weight at set intervals. Try to weigh yourself at the same time of day each time. Your diary can help you readjust your goals and make necessary changes to your fitness and nutrition levels as things adjust in the course of your weight loss program.

This site explains weight loss methods used in medical weight loss centers.

An individual with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 is considered obese. Diets and exercises can fail to achieve the desired weight loss and it is therefore advisable to seek medical weight loss centers to assist in weight loss for such individuals as they are at a high risk of developing heart diseases and diabetes. Well, let us discuss the weight loss programs that these centers offer.

Very low calorie diets offered in medical weight loss centers are commercial formulas that provide an individual with no more than 800 calories per day and they completely replace an individuals normal food intake. Common side effects of using these formulas include dizziness, mood swings, headaches and confusion.

The use of obesity drugs is another method used in medical weight loss centers. Meridia and Xenical are FDA approved drugs and they help decrease the body weight by up to 10%. Meridia reduces hunger by altering the brain chemistry while Xenical stops fats absorption in the stomach and intestines. Common side effects of these drugs include headache, insomnia, frequent bowel movement and rapid heartbeat.

Gastric bypass surgery is another method widely used in medical weight loss centers. The medical procedure shrinks the stomach by creating a small stomach pouch on top of the main stomach. The small intestine is then attached to the small pouch and the procedure forces the food digestion and travel to happen only through the upper pouch and the small intestines thus limiting the amount of food an individual can take at a time. Weight loss through this method can achieve results of up to 68% within the first year.

Biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) is a procedure carried out in medical weight loss centers where part of the stomach is removed. The intact stomach is then attached to the small intestines. In this method theres rapid weight loss as most food travels too fast through the small intestines and there is therefore no absorption of most nutrients and calories. BPD causes more weight loss than gastric bypass however it has more severe side effects like nausea, sweating, dumping syndrome, diarrhea right after eating and anemia. With this method, an individual can lose up to 80%.

Ensure that you consult your doctor before choosing any of these methods; they are irreversible and require one to have a life-long commitment of lifestyle change.